Libro Reclamacion Español

RUC: 20520906101
Company Name: Sesamhos Agencia de Viajes y Turismo S.A.C.281
Business Location: Av. La Fontana N° 458 Tda. 2064 C.C. La Rotonda 2 La Molina

    Complaint Form


    Form No.

    1. Identification of the Complainant Consumer

    Attorney Data

    2. Identification of the Contracted Good

    3. Complaint Details and Consumer Request

    4. Observations and Actions Taken by the Provider

    * If the consumer does not provide at least their name, DNI, address or email, and the details of the complaint or grievance, in accordance with Article 5 of the Complaint Book Regulations, these will be considered as not submitted
    * The filing of the complaint does not exclude the use of other means of dispute resolution nor is it a prerequisite for filing a complaint with Indecopi.
    * The provider must respond to the complaint within a maximum of fifteen (15) calendar days, with the possibility of extending the deadline by up to fifteen days.
    * By signing this document, the client authorizes to be contacted after the complaint process to evaluate the quality and satisfaction of the complaint handling process.

    Date of issue of claim book form Feb 23, 2025